CPPDSM4034 - Negotiate and implement strata community management agreement - Declaration To complete your CPPDSM4034 Negotiate and implement strata community management agreement module you are required to complete the following declaration.Please tick the box* I hereby certify that no part of this CPPDSM4034 Negotiate and implement strata community management agreement assignment has been copied from any other student’s work. Please tick the box* No part of the CPPDSM4034 Negotiate and implement strata community management agreement assignment has been completed for me by any other person. Please type your Name to make declaration.* First Last Address to post transcript* Street Address City State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code If the above postal address is different from your initial enrolment, would you like the College to update this in our system?* Address is not different Yes No Mobile Number*Email* Your Transcript will be issued listing your name as it appears on your enrolment form. Any changes after the issue of your initial transcript will incur a Transcript Reissue fee of $33 incl. GST.EmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ