Diploma of Leadership and Management BSB50420 Assessment Declaration To complete your course and to be issued with your transcript you are required to complete the following declaration. If you are required to complete further modules, your transcript will be prepared after you pass these modules.Completed Module*Make sure you choose the correct module assessment.BSBPEF502 - Develop and use emotional intelligenceBSBCMM511 - Communicate with influenceBSBLDR523 - Lead and manage effective workplace relationshipsBSBOPS502 - Manage business operational plansBSBCRT511 - Develop critical thinking in othersBSBTWK502 - Manage team effectivenessBSBSTR502 - Facilitate continuous improvementBSBLDR522 - Manage people performanceBSBOPS501 - Manage business resourcesBSBPEF501 - Manage personal and professional developmentBSBTWK503 - Manage meetingsBSBXCM501 - Lead communication in the workplacePlease tick this box* I hereby certify that no part of this Diploma of Leadership and Management assessment has been copied from any other student’s work. Please tick this box* No part of the Diploma of Leadership and Management assessment has been completed for me by any other person. Please type your Name to make declaration.* First Last Address to post transcript* Street Address City State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code If the above postal address is different from your initial enrolment, would you like the College to update this in our system? Address is not different Yes No Mobile Number*Email* If you completed a course, your transcript will be issued listing your name as it appears on your enrolment form. Any changes after the issue of your initial transcript will incur a Transcript Reissue fee of $33 incl. GST.CommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ