Abandoned Goods on Common Property
August 21, 2020Podcast – What is meant by “registered office”
September 4, 2020
Abandoned Goods on Common Property
August 21, 2020Podcast – What is meant by “registered office”
September 4, 2020
What is meant by “registered office”
According to section 28 of the Property and Stock Agents Act 2002, a licensed agent must have a registered office within New South Wales. This means that you either need to be employed by an agency and you will be working at the registered address of that agency, or you are operating your own business and need to inform NSW Fair Trading of your registered address that is within New South Wales.
There is one exemption to this requirement of a registered address being in New South Wales, and that is when the office is in another State or Territory AND is within 50 kilometres of the State border with NSW – this will be referred to as an interstate office. It is important to note that NSW Fair Trading will have jurisdiction over this office and its functions when they relate to activities undertaken within New South Wales by an agent who is licensed or certificated under the NSW Property and Stock Agents Act 2002.
When we examine the issue of registered office further, we look at section 29 of the Property and Stock Agents Act 2002, and this gives agents guidance in relation to the display of names at the registered office.
A licensee (that is any person who holds a licence under the Act) must display, legibly and conspicuously, outside of their registered office and any other place of business:
- The name of the licensed person and their description as a licensee,
- a description of the kind of licence or licences held by the licensee
For example, William Smith, #123456, Licensed Real Estate Agent
In terms of keeping records in relation to the disposal of uncollected goods, the party responsible for disposing of the uncollected goods (usually the strata manager of the scheme) must maintain appropriate records for:
In essence, this means that all licensed agents who work from that specific registered office must have their names, description as a licensee (best shown as a licence number), and a description of the kind of licence or licences that they hold.
In addition to the above, a licensee that is a corporation (ie a Pty Ltd entity) must display, legibly and conspicuously, outside of the corporation’s registered office:
- the name of the person in charge of the corporation’s registered office, and
- outside any other place at which the business of the corporation is carried on, the name of the person in charge at that place
For example:
U Beaut Realty Pty Ltd, Licence No 2468
William Smith, Licensee-In-Charge, Licence No. 123456, Licensed Real Estate Agent
The “outside of the registered office” is most commonly interpreted as the front door or front window of the agency. For those agencies who do not have street frontages, then on the outside of the front door to the registered office would be acceptable.
The penalty for not displaying the appropriate information outside of the registered office, is currently set at 50 penalty points – equating to $5,500.