Electronic Service of Documents Businesses need to keep themselves up-to-date with any and all new technology that comes available to them to further their […]
Flammable Cladding In recent years the phrase “Flammable Cladding” has made a real impact on the strata industry. Unfortunately for many strata owners, there […]
Rent Increases A topic that is attracting a lot of attention at the moment is rent increases. Due to post-Covid economic changes including increases […]
To disclose or not disclose……..that is the question To continue with the theme of disclosures that was featured in the last College Chronicle, this […]
Vendor’s Advocates A relatively new service available to vendors in the market to sell their property are the “Vendor Advocates”. Whilst this service may […]
Shared Equity Homeownership Scheme In the previous College Chronicle we had an initial look at one of the new Government initiatives to help buyers […]